no warm up, no sports hall. just that lovely link bridge shade :)
i've had enough sun, thanks very much.
Louis did something so sexxay during PE today :P
you know the metal support things that keep the link bridge shelters up?
the ones that you can hang on to like monkey bars. those ones.
yea. ok. Louis would pull himself up, pull his knees up and over his head, completing a 360º backflip.
he lets go of the bar so his arms don't pop out of their sockets.
it's really awesome.
Ju Deh can do it too but his legs are really long so he got stuck 3 out of the 4 times he tried.
When Louis does it, both his legs pass between his arms but Jude's left leg is out to get him.
his left leg would get stuck because it goes to the side and gets caught on his arm.
ahaha. he got stuck really bad the third time. he was upside down for awhile.
but then he unstuck himself. so funny.
About karma, today, Bryan W and Brandon W had their usual mini spat during PE.
Bryan accidentally pushed Brandon down onto the road and his shin was kinda bleeding.
so, karma came to kick Bryan's butt because during Geo, he had an epic phail nosebleed.
first, he tried to plug up his nostrils with his fingers but they got bloody really quick.
then he tried to close the holes with the balls of his palms.
which soon got bloody too. so someone gave him some tissue.
he stuck it up his nose and looked funny for awhile.
Some way or another, he managed to smear blood all over his face.
he pinched his nose to try and stop the blood flow while talking.
he sounded more nasal-ie than Fran Drescher.
then, when someone came back with ice, he put it on his forehead not his nose.
even Cik Hayati laughed at that.
Karma's awesomely funny.
Kevin was so serious during PA practice since Ms. Ong wasn't there yet.
he's one garang director.
i told Jane that there was a spider on her shoulder for April Fool's.
she screamed. when Adrian tried it on Pn. Rozila, she was indifferent.
hahaha. fail.
i have something epic to share.
Qi Shaun says :
On my birthday, a thousand babies will wreak cries of anguish. The earth shall start to shake and The Chutulu will be reborn to wreak havoc mercilessly on the pitiful living. As i sit in my golden throne of ultimate righteousness guarded by the tortured souls of the dead, i look upon the horizon only to find that the final confrontation between heaven and hell will take place on my glorious birthday. After the final confrontation, in the ruins of the once great society that is ours, an eternal darkness shall befall upon the world we know as earth turning it, manipulating it into an unforgiving world consisting of only the damned and tormented. In the barren world, the society only exists in mere groups or tribes surviving on others thus engulfing the once fruitful world into one filled with hatred and death.
Qi-Shaun and I are going to write an epic novel that will sell better than Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr put together.
profits are split 50/50
Happy April Fool's Day :)
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