Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Consume My Time

My time has been eaten by studying.
Oh teh noess! it are mai timezz! it has been eated! om nom nom nom.
i love that kind of English or rather : I lieks this kindz of Eenglash. It are teh funz!
Qi Shaun, Bryan and I were talking like that to Andrea.
she tried to strangle me but i ran away.
She splashed Bryan with water though.

Examples : 
My England be the more powerful than his England.
I was learned my England talk from my teacher.
He say my England very the powerr!

Oh No! we better sending Bryan to the hospitaling because he injury his leg again.
his leg are very the paining. 
he can dieded if he can't not go to the hospitals!

Exams are really messing with my head.
I'm very day dreamy. 
i stayed up with Jane until 1am. studying sejarah. oooh. 
In the end, it didn't help as much as i thought.

I have a disappearing act now.
All i have to do is stand behind Bryan and i disappear!!
actually, he also has to tiptoe because i'm too short and you can see the sides of my head behind his neck.
i find it kinda cool. 
If i need to hide anywhere, all i have to do is stand behind Bryan and i'm gone! 

I have to study KH now.
urrrgh. BM paper 1 vocab was hard.
what is the word you use for the guy in the mamak who makes roti canai!?!

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