Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ultra Dusty Disc Throwing!

This Thursday, like every Thursday, there was frisbee practice after school.
We gather at the field and do drills and play a few games.
Since the tournament is coming up, tournament go-ers and non go-ers are seperated.
Drills were done but the goers were doing this marking practice and we were playing something called "the box"
i am a non goer. 
it's a box. marked by cones. to score a point, throw it at your team mate while in the box.
very simple. very fun. also quite retarded to play because the box was small. 
someone got hit in the balls. hahaha.

it's been really reallyyyyy hot. yada yada global warming.
the field is bone dry because of it.
walking already causes a cloud of dust to billow up from the ground.
when we played the box, the box was  box of dust. 
visibility was down by a bit. 
it was so dry and dusty that when i ground my teeth together, i could feel sand in my mouth.
my hands were brown when we were done and when i wiped my eye on my white shirt, there was a brown patch.
who knew that sand and grass could be thaaaaat dusty. 
quite cool actually. 

i have a bruise on my forehead from yesterday.
it was when the disc bounced off my hand and nailed me near the hairline. 
PE is fun with frisbee. even though we're not actually supposed to play :\
the skin on my left little finger got all peel-y while playing. 
ow. blister. 

i sent Jun Vinh and Jack home today. 
parent-child relationships differ in each family.
i think Shaun and his dad are bestest friends or something like that.
when Qi Shaun was supposed to get in the car, his dad started to drive off without him while he was still walking to the car.
he stopped for Shaun to open the door and started moving again so he had to jump in while the car was still moving. 
it's alot funnier if you saw how it happened.
my dad did that to me once. fun la.
my parents  are my parents :P
quite serious but cool too.

my DS Lite came in the mail today :D
it's black and shiny. 
i don't have a cartridge yet. who wants to lend me one tomorrow so i can use it? 
i'll get some this weekend. i think. 
Shaun says to get Advanced Wars. 
it's supposedly un-finish-able, as said by the makers. i will prove them wrong >:D
hurray for Amex point redemption!
mom got 2 bottles of perfume too. 

i want to play with my DS but i have nothing to play XD
probates all over the school. funneh.
good luck to all probatesss! 

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