Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rainy Day.

Today, it rained.
I'm usually happy when it rains but today, frisbee got cut short so meh.
We tried playing in the rain but it got really heavy after 2 minutes or so.
We managed to get past warmups, stamina training, McFloogan and the diamond drill. 
not bad for about 40 minutes. 
Life Saving got ruined too. There's always next week :)
sat around the canteen and link bridge instead.

I nearly decapitated Abby during a drill.
hahaha. she wasn't paying attention :P
I yelled her name and thank the lords that she didn't get nailed in the face.
it was a pretty fast one but luckily Abby tilted her head out of harm's way.
the head tilt was epic. 
it was a waste of a good throw though.

frisbee had an MC Hammer theme today. 
the lyrics are so fitting for frisbee.
'Stop, hammer time!' and 'can't touch this' are freakishly appropriate.

Louis high fived me today.
after whacking my hand, his hand hit the side of a chair.
he was groaning in pain for quite awhile.
he usually feels no pain. it was very funny :P

my glasses tan is getting worse.
i think it's kinda cool, like one of those drastic before-after picture pairs.
speaking of pictures, i want to show you mine and prolly Ju-Deh's favorite picture sequence.
Louis too! 
click to enlarge.
and enlarging is very worth it :)

I love the 5th picture the most.
the tabby is awesome. 
it's WTF face in it is soooooo cute and the persian is like I KEEEEL YOU!

da na na na na na na Can't touch this!

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