Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Suspected H1N1

Yesterday, i was sick so i went home early.
I went over to my usual doctor but the clinic was closed so i went to a different one.
The doctor was nice and all but when i told her i had a fever, cough and a headache, she took out her masks.
yes plural. she wore 2 on purpose.
she gave me one, wrote me a letter and made me go to the Universiti Malaya hospital.
so i could get my throat scraped to test for H1N1.
the scraping would get cultured and tested. it sounds gross :P
i had to wear the mask she gave me. wtf man.

I waited in the hospital and went through a buttload of procedures.
Turns out, the doctor sent me to the hospital for no reason because she hadn't updated herself with the whole protocol of getting swine flu.
i didn't have swine flu obviously :\
I was stuck there for 4 and a half hours and had my blood tested.
i didn't even need to get my throat scraped.

i could have gone to SJMC and had it done in an hour for only.... a hundred maybe?
the elderly, children, handicapped people and government students get everything done for free.
since i'm a private school student, i had to pay RM 15
i demand equality! i half expected having to pay anyway :P

The blood test was cool.
The nurse told me to clench my fist and she started to suck some out.
when there was some suction going on she then told me to unclench and i saw my blood gush into the syringe.
it was cool.
i had to take it to get chopped and drop it into a box.
i got to play with my blood.
it was in a vial. 
the idea of my blood outside my body in a tube in my hand bugged me a little.

blood test came back normal and i got my meds and went home.
i just saw the doctor and was fine. 
meh. the whole ordeal just adds to my hospital exposure. 

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